Laura of Quokka Quilts fame is going to sewing summit next month. Now, for many of us Salt Lake City in October would be ok. But poor Laura lives in Perth. That’s in Australia for the geographically challenged. To be more precise, western Australia.
For those of you who haven’t been to western Australia, good move . It’s hot. A lot of the year around. I’m sure Laura will be able to tell you reasons why you should go. But that’s because she has to as she lives there.
Anyway, I digress. The coolness of Salt Lake City in October is going to cause poor Laura to freeze her tits off. Well, her tits are her own business, but I thought I’d help her neck and knit her a scarf. She wanted an infinity one. I found a pattern she liked, and voila, a blue sparkly scarf was born.
It is now about to start it’s journey to meet her in the US. And yes, those ends have been sewn in.